MEVIL is a Youth Ecological Volunteer Inclusive Camp, which has been held in Yekaterinburg and other cities of the country since 2016.

Youth Ecological Volunteer Inclusive Camp “MEVIL-2023” is aimed at the development of volunteer activities, at the formation of environmental awareness, value orientations for a healthy lifestyle among participants, as well as at increasing the efficiency of rehabilitation and resocialization of people with disabilities and overcoming addiction.

Camp participants are socially active youth, people with disabilities, people overcoming addiction, volunteers and activists. As part of the camp, participants clean up and ennoble public areas, participate in inclusive trainings and master classes.

The tent camp is a specially organized space in which inclusive interaction is realized. A group of activists live in the camp on a permanent basis for 4 nights and 5 days. In addition, the camp is open to guests of the project who wish to take part in its work.
Camp format
MEVIL is organized as a stationary tent camp and functions as a non-moving one, not changing its location all the time.

MEVIL participants are people with disabilities, people overcoming addiction, volunteers and active citizens.
It is no coincidence that the format of a tent camp was chosen for the implementation of the project. The conditions of living together in nature in an inclusive team create a background for harmonious interaction.

Between participants (representatives of different social groups) there is a healthy interest in each other's cultures. And thanks to a common cause - the environmental improvement of the territory - a "zone of trust" is formed between the participants of the camp, in which there is an interchange of skills, methods of interpersonal communication, and new social ties are established. This is expressed as follows:

  • applies a creative approach to inclusive interaction
  • sociability develops - the ability to speak and listen, the ease of making contact
  • becomes accountable to the group
  • there is personal social responsibility
  • shows initiative

The model of a tent ecological camp has a number of objective factors that determine the specifics of its impact on participants:

  • Inclusive composition - betrays the latent nature of help and support for people with addiction and people with disabilities
  • Unusual living conditions - allow you to try on a new role in a social group, develop new skills
  • Temporary nature of the association - increases efficiency, speed of decision-making
  • A clear schedule - increases the intensity of the development of various types of activities
  • Active communication with nature - introduces a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Objective of the project
Development of youth civic engagement and formation of values for a healthy lifestyle through inclusive environmental volunteering.
MEVIL is an inclusive project that simultaneously solves the following tasks:
  • formation of ecological culture
  • volunteer development,
  • formation of an inclusive culture through the creation of events where representatives of various social groups interact: people with disabilities; persons who have used narcotic or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, who have completed a course of rehabilitation and
  • those on a post-rehabilitation program*; business representatives; creative people; leaders of public organizations; government officials; active residents of the region.

MEVIL creates conditions in which people see the strengths of their personality and other people.
MEVIL helps to realize that ecology is a systemic view of oneself in this world.
The main goal of this project is to create a space (context) in which, in the process of interaction, representatives of different social groups change their attitudes, create new rules, and develop new competencies. As a result, there is a search and implementation of hidden talents and opportunities in inclusive groups, through the implementation of environmental projects.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
  1. Increasing the environmental responsibility of people with alternative needs and opportunities through "personal involvement" in the process of creating ecological zones. 13% of the population are people overcoming addiction, 8.6% are people with disabilities. These social groups are little involved in the implementation of environmental programs, at the same time, as a rule, they do not have employment. With the ability to use environmental knowledge in practice and in everyday life, with the appropriate skills that they will receive in inclusive environmental camps, these social groups will be able to organize themselves into teams and independently carry out socially useful actions that will actually improve the environment in individual public places. And also serve as a positive example for other social groups.
  2. Development of ecological awareness and ecological culture of people with alternative needs and opportunities and other adults, through environmental actions. Due to the special role in modern society, as well as the special talents that are developed and trained by people with experience in overcoming, the involvement of people with APV in public environmental actions is a powerful resource not only to increase environmental and social activity, but also to increase the overall level of environmental culture. among the general population.
  3. Development of a culture of inclusion through interaction within the framework of an environmental project. Inclusive interaction makes the participants more open, and the unique context - living in nature in a tent camp - allows you to establish a rational and objective perception of yourself in relations with society.
Video about the project
If you want to become a volunteer and take part in the organization and conduct of the MEVIL camp, please contact the project coordinator

Vasilyeva Irina